Mars Art Gallery 2006 News Archive Index
Following are the Mars Art Gallery news releases for 2006.
December 19, 2006: Mars Mission Image Processing Presentation For Pixel Camera Club
September 25, 2006: Major New Image Release for the Mars Art Gallery
August 07, 2006: New Images Released for Abstract and Crater Gallery
July 21, 2006: NASA "Mars as Art" Exhibit Includes "Eroded Martian Landform" Image
June 10, 2006: Imaging Mars Presented at the Duckon Science Fiction Convention
May 05, 2006: Mars As Art Success at International Space Development Conference
Feb 28, 2006: Multiple Updates Includes Mars Nomenclature Article
Feb 27, 2006: Mars As Art Abstract Accepted by International Space Development Conference
Jan 28, 2006: Adler Planetarium Offers Mars Imaging Class Taught by Jim Plaxco
Jan 27, 2006: Roving Mars IMAX Movie Review
"Long and careful study of the information accumulated over many years by astronomers and scientists of various countries, and of recent observations and discoveries made, has led me to the conclusion that some form of life definitely exists on Mars." There Is Life On Mars, by The Earl Nelson, 1955.