Planet MarsMars Art Gallery

Mars Art Gallery News

Oct 27, 2005: NAPP Gallery Editor Picks "Martian Gullied Crater" As An Editors Choice

The image "Martian Gullied Crater" was recently selected as an Editors Choice image by the Editor of the NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) Member Portfolios web site.

The home page, shown at left with the "Martian Gullied Crater" circled in yellow, serves as the main point of entry into the NAPP Member Portfolios web site. The purpose of the web site is provide a location where NAPP members can provide examples of the images they create using Adobe Photoshop. A subset of the images on display at the Mars Art Gallery were used to create Jim Plaxco's NAPP Member Portfolio.

Visit the NAPP (National Association of Photoshop Professionals) Member Portfolios web site.

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