Above Gusev Crater

Image Title: Above Gusev Crater
Release Date: August 07, 2006
Source: Mars Global Surveyor
Located at the terminus of Ma'adim Vallis, Gusev Crater is of interest to planetary scientists because of the possibility that it may have once been home to a lake. It was for this reason that the Mars Exploration Rover Spirit was directed to explore the floor of this crater. The viewpoint shown here is from the south looking northward. Additional information about Gusev Crater is available at Along Ma'adim Vallis to Gusev Crater
Source Image Background
The image shown was created using Mars Global Surveyor MOLA (Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter) DEM (Digital Elevation Model) data to create a 3D rendering of Gusev Crater.
Image Processing
A variety of software was used to create a 3D rendering of Gusev Crater. In addition to the image geometry, a simple palette of colors was applied at this stage. Subsequent processing using Adobe Photoshop was performed to enhance and modify the false colors.
I have created a very low resolution, compressed version of "Above Gusev Crater" for use as a desktop wallpaper. This wallpaper is made available for your personal use only. It is not to be modified or redistributed in any form by any means. All rights are retained by the artist.
Above Gusev Crater, 1280 X 1024 Wallpaper Image by Jim Plaxco