Planet MarsMars Art Gallery

Martian Crater Dune Field

Mars Crater Dune Field

Image Title: Martian Crater Dune Field
Release Date: September 25, 2006
Source: Mars Global Surveyor


These sand dunes on the floor of Bunge Crater remind me of the Martian Shark Teeth Dunes in Proctor Crater. In fact it was the many varied dune field patterns revealed by the Mars Global Surveyor that led me to seek a deeper understanding of how dunes and dune fields are created. Two books that I found useful in this tangential pursuit were The Earth: An Introduction to Physical Geology and Geomorphology of Desert Environments.

Source Image Background

The source image was acquired by the Mars Global Surveyor MOC narrow-angle in December 2000. The location of the image on Mars is 33.96� south latitude, 49.02� west longitude. The width of the image is approximately 3 kilometers.

Image Processing

All processing of this image was done using Adobe Photoshop. This includes noise removal, the application of false color, contrast enhancement and tonal adjustments.

Wallpaper Download

I have created a compressed low resolution version of "Martian Crater Dune Field" for use as a desktop wallpaper. This wallpaper version is made available for your personal use only. It is not to be modified or redistributed in any form by any means. All rights are retained by the artist.

Mars Crater Dune Field Wallpaper
Martian Crater Dune Field, 1024 x 768 Wallpaper Image by Jim Plaxco

�2005-2023 Jim Plaxco,