Victoria Crater

Image Title: Victoria Crater
Release Date: September 25, 2006
Source: Mars Global Surveyor
Victoria Crater is the destination of the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity (MER-B). The Opportunity rover has traveled somewhat more than 7.2 kilometers from Endurance Crater to reach the margins of Victoria Crater.
In the image, north is to the right and Opportunity is at approximately the 1:00 location with respect to Victoria Crater. Victoria is roughly 750 meters in diameter. The resolution of the source image was 1.57 meters per pixel.
For additional information about this image and the location of the Opportunity rover, see the Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity Traverse Map for Sol 930.
The two Mars Exploration Rovers Spirit and Opportunity have been phenomenally successful and have greatly advanced our understanding of the planet Mars. Hats off to NASA and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
Source Image Background
The source image was acquired by the Mars Global Surveyor narrow angle camera in October 2004.
Image Processing
All processing of this image was done using Adobe Photoshop. This includes cropping, noise removal, the application of false color and tonal adjustments.
Wallpaper Download
I have created a compressed low resolution version of "Victoria Crater" for use as a desktop wallpaper. This wallpaper version is made available for your personal use only. It is not to be modified or redistributed in any form by any means. All rights are retained by the artist.