Planet MarsMars Art Gallery

Phobos and Deimos Martian Moons Gallery Index

Last Updated September 25, 2006.

This gallery is devoted to the two Martian moons Phobos and Deimos, which were discovered in 1877 by the American astronomer Asaph Hall at the United States Naval Observatory. The images of Phobos and Deimos seen here have all been digitally enhanced and manipulated in a variety of ways to varying extents. These images range from accurate portrayals of the moons to artistic interpretations.

All the images of Phobos seen here are false color images. The raw image data used to create these pictures lacked any color information. Therefore, the application of color to these images was done subjectively by the artist.

The Images

Images are listed here based on the order in which they were added to the Martian Moons Gallery, not the order in which they were created. The most recently added image appears at the top of the list.



The Martian Moon Phobos.

The Martian Moon Deimos

The Martian Moon Deimos

A Viking Orbiter view of Deimos.

The Martian Moon Phobos

The Martian Moon Phobos

A recent picture of Phobos through the eyes of Mars Global Surveyor.

Phobos Revisited

Phobos Revisited

An impression of the Martian moon Phobos.

Columbiad IIs First Daguerreotype of Phobos

Columbiad IIs First Daguerreotype of Phobos

An imagined view of Phobos as taken by a spacecraft in the 1800's

©2005-2023 Jim Plaxco,